
Walk in Peace: Speak Peace



Amazing things happens when you begin to speak things into existence … things around you begin to change. Proverbs 18:21 states “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” As we are walking into peace it is important for us to understand the importance to speak peace. We are to speak things as they should be, not as they are.

We have discussed accepting peace from Christ, seeking peace within ourselves and with others, & now speaking peace. Speaking peace over our lives is important. With everything that is going on around us, it is essential that we speak peace daily. In every situation, conversation and thought, we have a choice to promote peace or violence. The language we use plays a large role in either enriching our lives or diminishing it. Are your conversations about ideas or about people? Are you promoting peace with others? Have you spoken positive over your circumstance? Peace is something that Christ provides, but we must be willing to accept, seek and speak it in our lives.

Romans 10:17 says “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ”. In order to speak peace, you must know the word of God and recite it. This means taking time each day to mediate on Scriptures that promote peace. Here are some tips you could follow in order to speak peace:

  • Select a verse to memorize that deals with your current need or focus
  • Write the verse down
  • Say the verse aloud
  • Make the verse part of your prayers
  • Make it visible
  • Repeat it daily

The language you use every day must be in line with peace. If every time you get into a tough situation and you speak nothing but strife and negativity … what do you think you will reap? As long as we are on this earth there will always be conflict. There will be conflict among friends, family, coworkers, friends etc and even internal conflict …. but it is your job to speak peace in those situations.


Psalm 85:8 states “I will listen to what God the Lord says; He promises peace to his people, his faithful servants— but let them not turn to folly”. My prayer is that you begin to speak peace over every situation and obstacle in your life.


For His Glory Only,
Danielle J.


Last month we started a new initiative entitled "I Declare" via our social media accounts.

The word dec·la·ra·tion means a "formal or explicit statement or announcement; the formal announcement of the beginning of a state or condition". This new series of declarations are made to speak to our circumstance, mountains and even fears.

We want YOU to repeat the declaration, believe it and make it your own.

For this declaration  we are standing firm on Nehemiah 8:10 which states "the joy of the Lord is your strength". Declare that God will do mighty things in your life, and your days will be filled with love & laughter. Claim it! Believe it! Receive it!

If you are not following us on our social media accounts - please do so!
We are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and even YouTube.

There is also a specific Instagram page dedicated to our online store. Check us out!

As always, thank you for your continued support <3

For His glory only,
Danielle J.


Identity Crisis: Overcoming Negativity by Grace

As you get to know me through reading each entry on my blog, I want to hit on different areas of my life that have brought me pain and be transparent.


My latest YouTube video entitled “Identity Crisis” showcases some of the name calling I have endured both in my face and behind my back. There were words such as: “holier than thou”, fat, spoiled, silver spoon, fake, self-righteous, ugly, strange an…

My latest YouTube video entitled “Identity Crisis” showcases some of the name calling I have endured both in my face and behind my back. There were words such as: “holier than thou”, fat, spoiled, silver spoon, fake, self-righteous, ugly, strange and overly sensitive. This type of name calling did not only occur in my adolescent years, but also into adulthood. It hasn’t been only been name calling. As a youth minister I have had people walk out on my sermons, negativity spoken over my ministry and it has been said that although I am worrying about others souls I need to pay attention to my own. I have even walked into rooms and been laughed at. Now, these words or actions may not seem that bad, but when it comes from individuals you were once close to, it being said in front of you or behind your back on a consistent basis can have a detrimental effect.

Like makeup – for a very long time I covered everything up. The scars of those words and the emotional affect it had on me was always dealt internally. One of the things that I still struggle with is dealing with things internally, and I do not quickly open up to others.  I have gone through many tests and trials, things that would cause me to stop walking in my purpose, but I have made a decision to keep moving forward. You have to realize you were not designed to fail, but to only succeed with the help of Jesus Christ.

Steps to Overcoming

- Prayer – It is SO important to remain steadfast in prayer. Pray that you do not change the way you are for other people, pray you do not grow to hate and pray for your enemies.

- Scripture Reading – Combat negativity with Scripture. If something is said against you, quote a Scripture against it. Let what God says about you ring louder than what others have to say. Speak Life! Scriptures that have helped me:  1 Peter 5:7, Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 37:1-6 & 11, 1 Peter 3:9, John 15:18, Deuteronomy 28:13, Matthew 5:10-12 & 44 (There are so many more I would have to do another post)

- Core Support System – Have a core group of people that you can go to that will uplift you and encourage you.

- Encourage others – Sometimes we focus on what we are going through and forget about others.
The purpose of being a believer is to assist others. It is so much greater than us.

Since my younger years I have kept this quote near my heart– “I will not permit any man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him” – Booker T. Washington. (I still think it is on my Facebook page since college lol). I have learned to build others up, because I know what it is like to be torn down. No matter who has put you down – your parents, siblings, extended family members, teachers or friends … you are an OVERCOMER! Whatever has been spoken against you, speak against it with it with the word of God. The beauty in going through things and overcoming, is understanding the purpose at the end. I have found determination in detriment, resilience in the midst of rejection, and most importantly purpose in my pain. I want to encourage anyone who is facing what I have faced to let you them know that “THIS TOO SHALL PASS”. You have more people standing with you, then against you. Be blessed!


For HIS glory only!

P.S. If you haven't checked out the video yet - Check it out here!