#WifeyWednesday: Requirements

This post is primarily for my single readers this #WifeyWednesday edition, however, I encourage anyone to read the below post.

I recall my first semester in college taking some prerequisites before being able to take classes within my major. A prerequisite is a thing that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist.

The thing that I find interesting is that sometimes we don't have prerequisites for the people we allow in our lives, especially our potential mates. Prerequisites in the relationship realm are the "non-negotiable" items that someone needs before you actually date them.

The #1 non-negotiable thing our list should be that the individual has a relationship with Christ. I often hear "Oh yeah, they go to church". Listen, going to church doesn't make you a Christian. Just like standing in a garage won't make you a car. Don't date a "church-goer" but date someone who is truly a Christ follower. You need someone who has an actual relationship with Christ, a connection and the fear of God. I remember my great-aunt used to joke around with me and say "Danie, all men can have bad tendencies but at least a Christian man has the fear of God". My mom used to repeat the same thing once my great-aunt passed away.

What are your requirements? We often focus on the outer appearance and forget about the inner appearance. 2 Corinthians 4:16 says: Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. Listen, 10-15-30 years from now you will not look the same physically. You definitely don't want to marry someone based on their looks and they have no substance.

First, I challenge you BEFORE getting into a serious relationship - LEARN TO LOVE YOURSELF! You cannot love anyone else until you have properly learned to love yourself. That may entail counseling to deal with deep rooted issues, praying, fasting etc Secondly, I challenge you to go into prayer and put your desires before God. He is the author of your life & love story. Tell Him your desires (even though He knows) and ask Him to help you discern what is good for you. Your list of requirements should be in line with the word of God.

I loved this little video I found on Facebook which depicts some of the requirements one can have. Some are playful, but others are very telling of the root things that may be important to you. You can watch the video here.

Again, please save yourself the heartache and stop dating around and entertaining those you see no future with. Set some requirements and prerequisites up for your future mate!

For His glory only,