Wifey Wednesday: Pay Attention

We are focusing on “harvest”, and this week specifically we are concentrated on sowing and reaping. This is also applicable in our friendships and relationships and I wanted to dedicate this edition of “Wifey Wednesday” to this subject.

So much of our time is taken up just keeping up with the demands of everyday life. Responsibilities can be overwhelming some days. So many things demand our attention, our thoughts, and our time. We barely have the energy to get everything done each day. This can cause us to lose sight of the people that are important to us, because we get so busy with “work”. When we don’t give the people in our lives attention this may send a signal that we do not care. This also gives an opportunity to the enemy to creep in.

You must understand that although you are planting “good seeds” in your marriage, friendships and relationships – the enemy is coming to seek and destroy all you have worked hard for. He comes in like a thief in the night – no warning. Although you are planting good seeds, you have to keep your eyes open to the obstacles the enemy may be setting. The obstacles may come in form of a job promotion, change in shifts, obtaining an advanced degree etc All those things are great, but it requires your time. Do not lose sight of what is important.

James 3:17-18 states “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.”

As we grow and develop, let us ask God for wisdom. Let’s pray that God gives us the knowledge when it is necessary to slow down our pace. May He grant us the wisdom to manage our time, so that we have ample time for our spouse, friends and family. Let us closer together through understanding, compassion, and trust.

For my followers who are single: Work on balancing life demands now. Pay attention to your friends and family, and make time for them. Pay attention when things become more demanding and communicate to others when you are feeling overwhelmed. This is a great opportunity to relax by spending quality time with others.

For my followers who are married: Learn to unwind in each other’s presence, and to restore one another with encouraging words. Let your home be a place of refuge and strength for your spouse. Life’s demands become overwhelming. Learn to communicate this with your spouse so you can work it out together – you cannot carry the burden alone. Spend time together in prayer and fasting.

For His Glory Only,
Danielle J.