
Beautiful Struggle

The beautiful struggle and life is beautiful has become synonymous to me and my catch phrase through it all.

Let’sbe honest, we all struggle in some shape or form. It may be different circumstances, obstacles, negative thoughts, temptation, living a holy life style, this new Christian walk…. The struggle is real day in and day out. The intensity may vary, however, it is always present. As long as we are on this earth we are on a battlefield. We need to realize that our battle is a spiritual one. As it states in Scripture, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this age (Ephesians 6:12). We are in a constant battle between flesh and spirit. The flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing (Matthew 26:41; Mark 14:38). Our intentions are good, but every day brings a new challenge and it is important for us to remember that our Lord and Savior is still sitting on His throne. We may have the right mindset in the beginning, but often times we succumb and surrender to the tactics of the enemy. The moment we become a victim to our circumstances the enemy wins the battle, and that is exactly what he is after. He knows his destination and he is trying to take as many of us down as he can. He attacks our faith and causes fear. He sends distractions so we get off track. He causes doubt so we do not move forward.

The moment we realize that the battle is not ours and rely on the Lord’s strength, things become so much easier. The Lord says, “take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light (Matthew 11:29-30). The load becomes lighter, the view the clearer and our perception changes when you give all things God. Stop holding onto a few and then giving Him a few. Give it ALL to Him.

See the beauty in everything you go through. See things the way God sees them. The process prepares you for the next level both in the spiritual and physical. The process perfects you for a greater purpose. The testimonies that will come out of your life will be a testament that God is still working and He is surely alive. Of course there will be times when you are down, you are overwhelmed and need encouragement but remember “Life is beautiful”.  Each day you are alive is a gift – treat is such. The Lord states “whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:27). We all have a cross to bear. Whatever your struggle may be, whether internal or external, nothing is too great for our God. Carry your cross, put a smile on your face and know He will see you through.

I wanted to both explain and encourage you with the premise of “life is beautiful” (LaBelleVie). No matter the circumstance or situation, He is still worthy to be praised and life is a beautiful thing.

For HIS glory only…..
May God richly bless you!


Welcome to the LA BELLE VIE!

Can I start of by stating that I am so excited that this has finally become a reality? This vision of creating a blog and extending into entrepreneurship came to me in 2012, and although there have been many obstacles to get this up and running, I am so excited that the time is here.

La Belle Vie came into my mind as I faced many challenges dealing with my career, being single, life decisions and walking into my ministry. I have always been somewhat of an optimist and stated through various trials “Life is Beautiful” despite how high the mountain was before me. I wanted to show others that through Christ all would be taken care of and I needed to simply rest in Him. Now, let me be honest, this was not always my philosophy. Christ had to groom me into this mindset and way of thinking. Often times people look at me and think that everything comes to me easy, or my life is perfect, and this is not the case. I had to learn that the joy of the Lord is my strength (Nehemiah 8:10) and that my life was being guided by Him.

I need to make it clear that I will only do/share as the Lord leads me to do. God is the CEO of my ministry and business (He is the CEO of MY LIFE), and I am simply the Founder and COO. This means I am only operating what He was given me, first and foremost, and will do whatever He has called me to do with La Belle Vie. There are many Scriptures, testimonies and lessons learned that I would love to share in hopes of saving someone from the heartache and pain I have gone through. My vision for helping others is found in Galatians 6:1, which states “Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently”. It is because of this principle that men and women poured into my life to help and encourage me along the way, so that I can now, in turn do the same.

Although few of my topic areas will deal with issues young ladies and women face, the vast majority of what is coming up is notgender specific.

I am looking forward to sharing and growing with you, and hope that this brings us all closer to Our Father.


For HIS glory only…..
May God richly bless you!