
The Wife Mentor Features LBV

During the summer I had the wonderful opportunity to be featured by “The Wife Mentor” via Facebook. If you have not liked the page on Facebook, I encourage you to do so. It is an online community geared towards encouraging women regardless of their relationship status. There are posts featured from single women, engaged women, and married women giving their prospective and story about their journey.

Here is a snippet from my feature:

I am recently engaged (March 2015), and will be married within the year - however, many do not know that I was single for roughly 7 years prior.My fiancé and I dated back in college and broke up shortly after graduation. I was so heartbroken. During…

I am recently engaged (March 2015), and will be married within the year - however, many do not know that I was single for roughly 7 years prior.

My fiancé and I dated back in college and broke up shortly after graduation. I was so heartbroken. During the first couple of years of being single, I will say it was my “wilderness” period and I felt like God was no longer listening to my prayers. I did not commit to anyone else because I wanted to be sure they were the person for me. I learned so much about myself, and realize now that God had to work on me and also my hunny so we could reunite and be the best for each other. I went through so many cycles while single– cycles of sadness, cycles of frustration and even a cycle of going out on dates just to fill time (not very proud of that one). I just got to a point where I said enough is enough. I realized I was not only hurting myself but those around me.

I began to get really involved in church, joined a local group for young professional (CFULYP), got my Master’s degree in Human Resources Management and began my work in starting my non-profit organization La Belle Vie Essentials. The cycles turned into cycles of understanding, growth and blessings! Beauty is birthed out of adversity. Through that period of staying busy, God saw it fit to reunite Woody and I, and there are days I can’t put into words how amazing God is. Woody is definitely a testament to God’s faithfulness and that His plan is best.

My advice to the ladies that are currently single: STAY IN GOD & STAY BUSY!! Do not fall into the trap of “everyone around me is getting engaged” or “everyone around me is getting married” and settle. Stand your ground. Live life. Travel. Join organizations. Like my dad always told me “No deal is better than a bad deal; no relationship is better than a bad relationship”. You don’t want to be the one racing to the altar and then later racing to the courthouse to get a divorce. Not worth it. Learn yourself and know who you are. This will help you establish the guidelines and foundation for a great relationship and then marriage. Pray. Surround yourself with wise counsel (i.e. Wife Mentor, godly women), and PRAY!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. In the near future I will post a video that will give a bit more insight to this journey.

For HIS glory only…
May God richly bless you!