
Identity Crisis: Overcoming Negativity by Grace

As you get to know me through reading each entry on my blog, I want to hit on different areas of my life that have brought me pain and be transparent.


My latest YouTube video entitled “Identity Crisis” showcases some of the name calling I have endured both in my face and behind my back. There were words such as: “holier than thou”, fat, spoiled, silver spoon, fake, self-righteous, ugly, strange an…

My latest YouTube video entitled “Identity Crisis” showcases some of the name calling I have endured both in my face and behind my back. There were words such as: “holier than thou”, fat, spoiled, silver spoon, fake, self-righteous, ugly, strange and overly sensitive. This type of name calling did not only occur in my adolescent years, but also into adulthood. It hasn’t been only been name calling. As a youth minister I have had people walk out on my sermons, negativity spoken over my ministry and it has been said that although I am worrying about others souls I need to pay attention to my own. I have even walked into rooms and been laughed at. Now, these words or actions may not seem that bad, but when it comes from individuals you were once close to, it being said in front of you or behind your back on a consistent basis can have a detrimental effect.

Like makeup – for a very long time I covered everything up. The scars of those words and the emotional affect it had on me was always dealt internally. One of the things that I still struggle with is dealing with things internally, and I do not quickly open up to others.  I have gone through many tests and trials, things that would cause me to stop walking in my purpose, but I have made a decision to keep moving forward. You have to realize you were not designed to fail, but to only succeed with the help of Jesus Christ.

Steps to Overcoming

- Prayer – It is SO important to remain steadfast in prayer. Pray that you do not change the way you are for other people, pray you do not grow to hate and pray for your enemies.

- Scripture Reading – Combat negativity with Scripture. If something is said against you, quote a Scripture against it. Let what God says about you ring louder than what others have to say. Speak Life! Scriptures that have helped me:  1 Peter 5:7, Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 37:1-6 & 11, 1 Peter 3:9, John 15:18, Deuteronomy 28:13, Matthew 5:10-12 & 44 (There are so many more I would have to do another post)

- Core Support System – Have a core group of people that you can go to that will uplift you and encourage you.

- Encourage others – Sometimes we focus on what we are going through and forget about others.
The purpose of being a believer is to assist others. It is so much greater than us.

Since my younger years I have kept this quote near my heart– “I will not permit any man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him” – Booker T. Washington. (I still think it is on my Facebook page since college lol). I have learned to build others up, because I know what it is like to be torn down. No matter who has put you down – your parents, siblings, extended family members, teachers or friends … you are an OVERCOMER! Whatever has been spoken against you, speak against it with it with the word of God. The beauty in going through things and overcoming, is understanding the purpose at the end. I have found determination in detriment, resilience in the midst of rejection, and most importantly purpose in my pain. I want to encourage anyone who is facing what I have faced to let you them know that “THIS TOO SHALL PASS”. You have more people standing with you, then against you. Be blessed!


For HIS glory only!

P.S. If you haven't checked out the video yet - Check it out here!

Your Foundation & Identity is in Christ


The title of this blog post seems very simple and easy to understand, however I feel that sometimes we forget “who we are” and “whose we are”. Let me explain.

Foundation is defined as the lowest load-bearing part of a building; an underlying basis or principle for something. As believers, our foundation is Christ. With this foundation we cannot fail, we will not be overcome by the enemy and we will rise above our trials with success. The same way a building needs a strong foundation or it will crumble, we also need the same strong foundation in our lives. Matthew 7:24 states “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock”. When Christ is your foundation, there is a difference. There is a difference in the way you interact with others, the way you deal with situations and the way you live your life. You are not easily tossed around by the beautiful struggle. You rest in Him knowing that since your foundation is Him; all things will work together for good. He has given us His Word to keep our foundation strong. The question is are you reading it, applying it and living it daily. This will keep your foundation strong. As the old hymn says “On Christ, the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand”! The story found in Scripture (Matthew 7:24-27) gives a depiction of a foolish man and a wise man. The foolish man built his house on the sand, and when the strong winds blew, rain descended, and floods came – the house fell. The wise man built his house on the rock, and when the strong winds blew, rain descended, and floods came – the house did not fall. That is the same way when the floodwaters come, the wind is blowing and we do not know whether we are coming or going in life…. Christ is the foundation, YOU WILL STAND!

Identity is defined as the fact of being who or what a person or thing is; a close similarity or affinity. We identify ourselves by many things: male vs female, tall vs short, corporate office vs entrepreneur and the list can go on and on. We identify ourselves by our race, religion, career and even relationships. The issue is, we become so wrapped up into these “identities” and allow them to categorize when our true identity is in Christ. The danger in this is we allow those things to define who we are. We let our career, salary, economic status, and relationship status define us. What if we were to lose all of those things? How would we react? Since Christ is your foundation, your identity is also in Him. So with that said. most importantly... you must reflect Him. That means the size of your home should not matter (Christ was born in a manger), you should not be overcome by trials (Christ was persecuted to the point of death), betrayal and losing relationships/friendships is part of the journey (One name: Judas). Regardless of what is going on around you – take the high road and always reflect Christ.

When things are difficult and challenging, remember where your foundation lies and where your identity is.

Stop looking at earthly things to define who you are. You are defined by Christ, and Christ ALONE!

For HIS glory only…..
May God richly bless you!